Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bill's Feed Shop
Monday, December 27, 2010
Katy Trail
Janna and Travis made it to Treloar, MO. It's 12 degrees there and they have been riding on the Katy Trail along the Missouri river. It's beautiful but freezing!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Day of Rest
Today, on the seventh day of their journey, Travis and Janna rested with the lovely ladies of the Marshall Seventh-day Adventist church near Sweetsprings, Missouri. The heroic pair is planning to attend church there tomorrow and then start riding again after potluck. Pray that the weather holds up and that they continue to meet amazing folks along the way willing to make their journey easier.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Day 4 Update!
Janna and Travis had their first bike maintenance issue and had to go 20 miles off route today to make it to the closet bike shop which eded up being in Kansas City, MO. The issue was that Janna snapped her shifter cable and had to get a new one put on. They have taken off their studded tires and tomorrow that should help to speed things up. Janna dn Travis are sleeping in a park by the Missouri river and it's pretty chilly. Janna and Travis are behind schedule, but are planning on playing catch-up tomorrow.
Keep praying!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Day 3
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Fighting the Traffic update
First Stop- Peru, Nebraska
We received our first word from Janna on the tour!
After pedaling for exactly 7 hours and burning 1400 calories, Janna and Travis have made their first stop in Peru, Nebraska. With some snowy weather and the studded tires on their bikes slowing them down more than they had anticipated, they didn't get as far as they had hoped. But with over 100 lbs. of gear on their bikes, the 69.25 miles traveled today was quite a feat! The excitement that still remained in her voice after such a long day was a conquest in and of itself!
At one point, Janna said she was pedaling in her lowest gear when she said she lost a tad bit of momentum and had to put her foot down. Consequently, she had to get off her bike and take it on a nice 1/4 mile stroll up a "massive hill" (her words). :)
The trail they will be traveling on tomorrow is a rough trail with lots of gravel and bumps. It will be another long day with some rough terrain, but she still remains excited about the days to come! Hoping they have a warm and rested night tonight in their tent!
Stay tuned for more information as their bike tour continues! Thanks for all your support!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Tour Take Off
Friday, December 3, 2010
Fighting the Traffic Tour
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Sleep, Eat, Bike, School, Eat, Bike, Sleep!
On a SWEET note: My friend Travis has officially got his ticket to fly out here to Lincoln and is going to be riding the whole tour with me. I'm very Excited! Also, I have invested in some adventure cycling route maps so that we will have more of an exact plan to follow. Only 6 weeks until we take off so there is still lots of planning to happen before then.
Well, I'm off to write up a lab report! Have a great week everyone!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Bike Tour 2010
This idea got stuck in my head a few weeks ago when I went to the Lied center here in Lincoln to hear Ben Skinner speak at the Global Issues Conference about slavery in the world today. He is the author of a crime so monstrous and has traveled all over the world to find people who are in slavery today and write their individual stories to help raise awareness of this issue. Just like Stalin said: "1 million dead men is a statistic, but 1 dead man is a tragedy." Hearing him speak got me really fired up. There is more slavery in the world today then there has ever been in earths history. The actual number is right around 27 million slaves today. That is insane. This is an issue that we have swept under the rug because although its everywhere its "nowhere". Since we don't see people selling other people on the corner of the street we assume they aren't being sold anywhere, and this is where we are so wrong and so nieve.
After hearing him speak I realized that I don't want to just be aware of this issue but I want to be an activist. I want to help stop this issue. That night I couldn't sleep one wink and I kept thinking about a way that I could get involved. I got up since I couldn't sleep and was fiddling around with trying to get a plane ticket home for christmas and couldn't find any for less then $500 and was frustrated. I thought jokingly that: oh, i should just ride my bike home for christmas because that'll be cheaper. And then it hit me! This was how I could get involved. I decided that I would ride my bike home for christmas, from NE to FL, and that I would do presentations, ect. to help raise awareness and sponsorships for this endeavor.
When I shared this idea with Mr. Blake he told me about this organization based right here out of Lincoln called Tiny Hand International (tinyhandsinternational.org). This organization is awesome because all the money they raise goes strait to stopping women from being trafficked across the boarder of Nepal into India. They literally have people standing on the boarder that watch people come and go and have the right to stop and question people who look suspicious or have a girl with them that looks like she shouldn't be with them. They have rescued thousands of girls. I met with Paul Yates who heads things up here on this end in Lincoln and he shared with me their vision. It is a Christian based non-profit organization and they not only stop these girls from being trafficked they also have 8 children's homes that they are able to place up to 15 kids in at a time. They also have a home for street boys so that they don't grow up to end up being traffickers.
I am very excited about doing this tour to sponsor Tiny Hands. I still don't know exactly how we are going to do it but I am thinking about asking people to either sponsor me per mile that I ride or to do a $20 dollar sponsorship since that's how much it costs to help stop a girl from being trafficked across the boarder.
As far as the biking goes I have begun training and have been riding everyday. I'm trying to get some gear sponsorships from local bike stores so that it won't cost much. I am getting a touring bike since the bike I have isn't made for such a long journey. My friend Travis G. will be flying here from maine to do the ride with me. We will leave Lincoln on Dec. 17th and hopefully arrive in Tampa by Jan. 3rd.
If you want to sponsor this journey to help stop slavery please feel free to contact me through this blog or at my email janna.buttrick@gmail.com. Look for more updates coming soon. =)
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Right now I am trying to listen but I am afraid of what i might hear. I feel as though there are going to be some big changes in my life very soon and I can feel the sands shifting. Although I'm scared I am also ready for it. I've felt uncertain about my future or what God wants for me for so long that I'm excited to learn and seek so that I can receive the peace that God has to offer when we're on the path He has planned for us.
Pray for me as I continue this journey. Oh, and today is the beginning of Teen camp and the end of Blind camp. All is still going well. Only 2weeks of camp left. CRAZY! Then less then 3weeks until May gets married. =) So many exciting things happening right now. I'm going to try and catch a nap before the teens arrive...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Nate Stoll Prayer Chapel
Junior Camp One - Lawroweld
Its sunday and Junior two will be starting this afternoon. We are suppose to have more campers this week and that would be awesome. I am the rock wall director this summer and its been going well. I ordered some new equipment and its pretty sweet. The kids are doing great with their climbing. During the time trial races this week I had a camp get up the 1st wall in 20sec. That beat my best time of 21sec. lol. He was great!
Well, I'm off to soak up some sun on the docks before campers begin arriving again! :)